First of all, I want to declare that I am not a vegan who hugs trees. For some reason, people have this impression of those who care about the environment.
I just recognise that our world is in a climate crisis, and I want to do my part to help.
The thing is, it doesn’t even take that much to make a difference.
So, I’ve written a guide of all the small things I do to help reduce my carbon footprint on a daily basis.
Take public transport
I live in London so it’s very easy for me not to own a car. I appreciate that those who live somewhere less accessible won’t have this luxury. However, if I do take cars (e.g. rent one or get a taxi), they’re electric.
If it’s not totally necessary for you to drive, try getting public transport or at least car-pooling.
Energy efficient homes
We don’t have solar panels, as we live in a flat in London, and I’m aware of the costs that come with them too.
However, I have energy-saving lightbulbs, I turn off electrical devices when I’m not using them and we are powered by Octopus Energy, a renewable energy company.

I believe most people do recycle now and it’s very easy to do so. Recycling bags are free and your local council should support you with bins etc.
You can use websites like Recycle Now to check what’s recyclable in your area and start right away.
Mindful Water Usage
I was totally guilty of this one – I loved my baths and long showers and I always let the tap run while brushing my teeth.
Now, I’m mindful of when I wash up, take more quick showers and collect rainwater to use to water the plants.
Sustainable Diet
I love my meat! So, I haven’t gone vegan. I know that meat has a higher carbon impact but I have cut down. I now have several veggie meals a week.
I also only drink plant-based milk and often buy plant-based alternatives when I want a “meat cheat”.
Conscious Consumerism
I’m definitely a bit of a shopaholic, but I’ve recently embraced shopping second-hand. There are now so many apps like eBay, Depop and Vinted where you can buy and sell used items.
Therefore, there is less wastage and you are positively impacting the environment when buying second-hand.
Moreover, when we do buy new, we mainly buy from brands who are B Corp and therefore have shown more ethical and conscious efforts with their businesses.
Offset Emissions
I’ve been a big fan of Ecologi and what they do to help the environment while helping to educate others about what their impact means.
I plant trees every month and offset the carbon that myself and the business uses.
This is not a replacement for positive action, but it does help contribute to amazing initiatives such as reforestation.
The most important thing to remember is that we’re all on a journey and you can just make some small changes which will have a big impact on the environment. I made these small changes above without it affecting my life too much, so you can do the same too!